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Myths about Hail Damage

Myth: I looked at my roof and didn’t see any problems, or my roofer inspected it and he saw no problems.


Fact: Roofing systems must be physically inspected by some one who has training and experience to determine if there is actual hail damage. Insurance companies send their adjusters too special training so they can properly identify hail damage to property, unfortunately there is not much ongoing training for the roofing or home inspection industries.


Myth: I’m not missing any shingles so I must not have damage.


Fact: Missing shingles are related to wind damage claims and can happen during a hail storm if the winds are high enough. However hail damage is insidious in nature and may not physically cause leakage for years after a hail storm.


Myth: I only have 1 year to file my insurance claim.


Fact: Many insurance companies do have a one year time limit and some even less, however due to the nature of hail damage they may pay claims past the deadline. This usually happens if a hail storm is widespread geographically.


Myth: My roof is new so it’s covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, home builder, or contractor.


Fact: Manufacturer’s specifically name hail as an exclusion to their product warranty, so do home builders and roofing contractors. Newer roofs can actually be more susceptible to hail damage versus older roofs due to the time it takes a new roof to cure from exposure to the elements.


Myth: I was told my roof has minimal or very little damage and therefor I don’t need to file a claim.


Fact: If your roof has any damage what-so-ever you have a valid insurance claim and should file with your insurance company. Damage might not cause your roof to leak for years. This is why it’s important to have a qualified person inspect your roof.


Myth: My insurance company will cancel my policy if I file a claim.


Fact: Most states prohibit insurance companies from cancelling policies for filing claims arising from severe weather related events. Check with your state however and your policy language as well.


Myth: If I don’t file my claim, my insurance company won’t raise my rates.


Fact: After a disaster, insurance companies may raise everyone’s rates. By not filing your claim, your personal rate increase is paying for every one else’s damage except yours.


Roofing Insurance Claims

Most residential roofing insurance claims are due to hail or tree damage. The process is simple to us, but complicated in the eye of homeowners. We start with a FREE inspection by our Statewide Roofing crew and give you 30 photos of your roof along with our opinion as to whether it needs to be replaced, repaired, or left alone. If an insurance claim is recommended, you call your company and they send out an insurance adjuster. We try to meet with the adjuster at your house.


6 things to know before you file a claim

  1. Make sure there is damage on your roof before you call your insurance company to file a claim. Statewide Roofing come make a FREE inspection.

  2. How much is your deductible? Do you have a deductible that is a % of the claim amount or a flat amount? Deductibles are normally $1,000 up to $2,500 flat fee. Find out what your deductible is.

  3. If you do not have the cash to pay your deductible, we offer financing. Check out our financing page.

  4. Do you have a total roof replacement policy? Depreciation is the reduction of the value of a product based on factors including use, age, and type of product. Replacement cost value (RCV) is a product at 100 percent, with no use or diminished life span. Actual cash value (ACV) is the use (or life left) of a product after reduction for depreciation. If you are on an ACV policy with a 10 yr old roof, you will be paying a substantial amount out of pocket since they deduct the depreciation.

  5. Do you get a discount on your home insurance policy for replacement with a class IV hail resistant shingle? Some insurance carriers offer discounts as high as 28%; check on your discount.

  6. Make sure that the damaged sustained on your roof is more than your deductible. Sometimes a $1,300 repair should be paid out of pocket if you have a $1,500 deductible.


The Residential Insurance Payment Process

Most home insurance companies use the following process.


  1. The insurance company sends out their adjuster to inspect your roof for hail, wind, or tree damage. They mark it with chalk and take pictures. TTCR likes to be on-site with your adjuster to make sure everything is examined.

  2. Your insurance adjuster will send a report listing all the damage, what they want fixed or replaced, the total dollar cost of the roofing job, the ACV (actual cash value) of the job, the depreciation, your deductible, and how they will handle payments.

  3. Usually the insurance company will send a check made out to you and your mortgage company.

  4. You may need to have your mortgage company endorse the check locally.

  5. Your roofing contractor will ask to be paid the amount of your 1st insurance check.

  6. After the roofing, skylights, and gutters are finished the roofing contractor sends a final invoice to your insurance company.

  7. Your insurance company will send you a check for the depreciation and any extras (supplements).

  8. The roofing contractor will send a final invoice to the homeowner for the job total minus the first check. This is usually equal to the depreciation + supplements + your deductible.




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